Congratulations on “graduating” therapy! I hope you are proud of yourself and can admire the investment in prioritizing your mental health.
Thank you for the opportunity to work together and for choosing me to walk aside you on your self-discovery journey. It’s been an honor and privilege to help you reach your goals.
While we may be wrapping up our time now, I am always available if needed in the future.
Please utilize the questions as a guide as reflection points so we can facilitate the conversation during our last session.
What brought you into counseling when you first reached out?
What were some things you were struggling with?
How were you coping with them at the time?
How did you feel at the start of therapy?
What insights did you gain?
What do you see as key changes since we’ve worked together?
What have been significant impacts as a result of those changes?
What did you learn about yourself?
What was helpful to discover?
What was memorable to you during the sessions?
What coping skills did you learn that you will carry forward?
What can you continue to work on?
How might you go about working on them?
What will future you be most proud of as you reflect on this time?
What goals do you plan on setting for the future, whether personally or professionally?
As a therapist and a person, I value growth-oriented evaluation to improve my “craft” and ability to support my clients in the best way I can. I welcome all feedback you can offer that will help me and future individuals!
What has been most helpful in therapy that I can continue to implement into sessions?
Do you have specific examples?
What has not been helpful that I can improve on as a therapist? (Don’t worry about hurting my feelings!)
Do you have specific examples?
Whatever else you'd like to share!