what an honor to meet you.
human first, therapist second.
Let me guess… You’re reading through several therapy profiles to find someone you think can understand you and what you’ve been through. It’s human nature to look at a person’s professional credentials/qualifications and judge whether you want to work with them. I’ll share with you my “why.”
For the longest time, I thought I had to absorb the latest and greatest trainings to be the “perfect therapist.” So I spent a lot of time and energy doing so. I still do my fair share of integrating all the techniques and best practices I’ve acquired.
Yet in my work with all my clients, I found the most powerful mechanism of change was the humanistic connection between us and the fact I genuinely care. Therapy is such an intimate, vulnerable process. Therefore, it was important that you knew a little bit about me as a person and not just a piece of my resume.
Hi, I’m Vy: an introvert, recovering perfectionist, over-functioner, overthinker, workaholic, and “want-to-do-it-all”-er. You know, the kind who strove to win all the awards and excessively do all the things because somehow I thought that was the only way to “prove my worth.” I struggled with the anxiety of not being “enough” for others and my value weighed heavily on my productivity and performance.
My hope for you is to understand that we all are always a work in progress AND a masterpiece as is. YOU are worthy exactly how you are. I have not discovered the magic wand that will heal life’s suffering - that is inevitable.
Instead, my goal is to facilitate a space where all parts of you are welcomed, not just the flashy, positive facets many of us want to showcase to the world. You are enough.
I’ve always wanted to be a helper. As a Highly-Sensitive Person, I grew up assuming how deeply I felt emotions and sensitivity towards things were weaknesses. Societal expectations had a way of convincing me I had to be more/less of who I was to be considered “enough.”
Fortunately, I have the opportunity to wake up every day doing what I LOVE and call it a “job.” I get to help really incredible people grow, so I’m glad you are considering me to join you on this human struggle and beauty of life. With every client, I learn and grow just as much. I enjoy researching new approaches to therapy and topics. My passion for counseling allows me to thrive in the relationship. I’m enthusiastic about my role because I get to unearth people’s stories and help you discover your strengths so you can have a better relationship with yourself and others.
I strive to embody the therapist I once needed and the one I would choose for myself.
Read below for my professional biography.
Enneagram: Type 1
Myers-Briggs: ISFJ
(Not psychometrically valid, but still fun to know!)
I am lucky to cross paths with incredible people who trust me to grow with them.
I am grateful for each of my clients and am touched by how resilient they are.
I am honored you considered me to join you on your healing journey.
Vy Tran, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Texas A&M University - College Station
Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Counseling Psychology
Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Psychology
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Psychology with Honors
Texas Woman’s University:
APA-Accredited Internship
Facilitated groups on healing from family trauma, women’s issues, understanding worthiness, and stress management
Coordinated outreach projects
Supervised, educated, and trained pre-licensed counselors
Falls Community Hospital and Clinic - Marlin, TX - Practicum Counselor
Telebehavioral Care Program - Bryan, TX and surrounding rural counties - Practicum Counselor
MHMR of Brazos Valley - Life Skills Specialist
Texas A&M University - College Station, TX
-Counseling and Psychological Services Practicum Counselor
-HelpLine - QPR Suicide Prevention trained Volunteer & Group Supervisor
-Career Center Graduate School Advisor
Trained in EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing for Trauma and Anxiety
PTSD Treatment - Cognitive Processing Therapy from the National Center for PTSD
Certified Prepare/Enrich Facilitator for Pre-Marital Counseling/Education
Director of Pawsitivity
Howl-dy! i’m Dogtor Sundae.
Master’s of Bark Communications
Dogtorate in Canine Psychology
Put smiles on humans during woof times
self-care activities
Naps, treats, fetch games, and barking at squirrels
love languages
Physical Touch & Gifts (aka belly rubs & plush toys)
your therapist is an imperfect human too :)
Born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas, she/her, daughter of Vietnamese non-English speaking immigrant parents who survived a war, youngest of four but with eldest daughter energy lol. Really enjoyed learning and school. Huge part of my identity for a while. Graduated Valedictorian and figured my way through college as a first-generation student. I attended Texas A&M for 9 years (gig ‘em, Aggies)! What a dream of fostering a career in empowering others!
Favorite hobbies: traveling & eating. There is something magical about exploring cultures and appreciating the beauty of diversity. Favorite foods: sushi, Taki’s chips, mango-habanero chicken wings, pad kee mao (Thai drunken noodles), and avocados (in all its forms). Favorite season is fall when the pesky mosquitos begin to die, but it’s not earth-shattering chilly. Favorite form of movement: group fitness classes and strength training. I’m a sucker for all things health & wellness, skincare, self-care activities, and lazy days in bed.
ideal day.
Ideal day: lounging at home, spending time with family, playing fetch with my cavapoo, making to-do lists, scrolling through Tiktok for “educational purposes,” going down rabbit holes researching random topics that I’m hyperfixated on at the moment while having a million other tabs open for unrelated thoughts, and activating my creative juices. I love interior design and home decor. I enjoy peaceful silence by a body of water such as the beach or lake. It’s pretty clear that I’m introverted and need a lot of decompression :)
Have you experienced significant wounds from past childhood moments? Whether you’ve survived the backlash of narcissism, parents who had a substance addiction, emotional/physical/sexual/verbal abuse growing up, caretakers with mental disorders, emotional or physical neglect, or if you felt your needs weren’t met because your parents work a lot, or you struggled as a child of immigrants because you wanted to make your parents proud but also feeling the pressure because of their sacrifices and personal unhealed traumas.
Do you also struggle with anxiety, codependency, people-pleasing tendencies, difficulties setting boundaries, or perfectionism? Particularly, I pour my heart into clients who have had to navigate these difficult memories to heal and recover so they can create the best life they want to live. I work well with high-achieving individuals such as professionals, graduate students, teachers, and healthcare workers.
Whether this is your first time in therapy or your 60th, I want you to walk away from therapy with a sense of peace. You are deserving of unconditional positive care and support once you’ve taken this courageous and vulnerable step in starting therapy. It is terrifying not knowing what to expect and having to talk about past traumas. Because I want to make sure the work is personable, productive, caring, and meaningful, I make sure to continue to expand my knowledge and skills in trauma-informed care and routinely check myself for blind spots, biases, and growth edges. I understand each individual progresses at their own pace. If you feel like you’re at the stage of making changes, let’s work together.
I genuinely believe change happens when you are accepted no matter what. Imagine this:
What if you were welcomed exactly as you are and safe to disclose the experiences you’ve shoved away?
What if you had a relationship that felt meaningful, rather than transactional?
What if you had someone who was open to feedback and took an active role to help you increase insight into your emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and relational dynamics?
What if you were supported to help you make changes beyond self-care and self-reflection?
How do you think change happens?
i’m passionate about…
how I operate in therapy
populations I serve
common questions